Announcements /Local Information
Interior Walking Path (in Manor):
Please be aware that there is no winter maintenance on the path, for removal of ice and snow. Please use at your own risk. Thank you!
Gate repairs:
Beginning Monday, November 11th, Allegiance Welding will be replacing the Manor exit gate arm and the 2 gate key pads at the common area walking path inside Manor.
Critters At Large!
There have been reports from homeowners of many small animals (porcupines, skunks, racoons, rats…) around the neighborhood. We recommend that you keep your garage doors all the way closed as much as possible. A homeowner in Manor had to coax a skunk out of their garage!!!
Effective January 1, 2025, monthly dues will be increased to $240 for Manor & Garden areas and $138 for Village. This increase was voted on and approved by the board on September 19th. The last dues increase was on January 1, 2019.
Snow Removal Info:
City of Twin Falls Ordinance Code: 7-5-1: SNOW, ICE, RUBBISH REMOVAL: (A) Every owner, tenant or occupant of the premises abutting or adjoining any sidewalk or alley in the City shall be required to remove all snow, ice and rubbish from any such sidewalks and all rubbish from such alleys.
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